Saturday, February 16, 2008

Here is update on our family. The girls are coming along in their school work. Brock has finally decided that toilets are useful, and is only in diapers at night. YEAH! Brant has been busy, and we haven't seen much of him in the last couple of weeks, but I think that he is doing alright. Only 2 more months until winter is over, and then he won't be as busy. I am very much looking forward to that. I am still freezing but very excited that we got to see the sun once or twice this week (I think we actually hit 40 degreees once)before the projected 1-3 inch storm that dumped almost a foot in our driveway. This year has made me extremely grateful for our 4-wheel drive car.
Cierra and Breein have been learning about
Ancient Egypt, and here is a picture of them donning their homemade pharoah's crowns.Yes, they can actually tell you why they are red and white.

On Valentine's Day, we took the kids sledding with this awesome sled called a hammerhead that Brant checked out from backcountry. They are lots of fun. If you ever get the chance to try one, do!