It seems strange to me the excitement that builds up to this day. And then it's gone, and you are left with a huge mess to clean up, an overly full tummy, kids that are way too wound up on sugar, and hopefully some good memories to share and remember throughout the years.
This year was the first time it was "just us" on Christmas Eve and morning. It was nice, but definitely quieter. We went to see the lights at Temple Square on Christmas Eve. The night was cold and beautiful, and because of the storm that had just passed, we were some of the only ones there.
Christmas morning, the kids seemed pleased with the gifts that Santa brought them, and Cierra told someone "We must have been really good this year, because Santa gave us lots of presents". I had to talk to Santa about that. He said he'll do better next year.
We have been so blessed with snow so far this year (hopefully that continues), and since we have so much, it wouldn't make very much sense not to go play in it at Christmastime.